it's the most relatable thing i've ever read. i can't be what i want to be no matter how hard i try. always seeing cooler people and having a need to be like them is haunting me. i know i can't be like them i don't have enough money or passion. i can't have the lifestyle they have. just to have a piece of coolness i have to try harder. i don't wanna be cool i just wanna be myself. i don't want people to judge me for what i wear, which phone i use or how hard i laugh. i just want them to like me for who i am. this really motivated me. ily pls don't die!
thank you for being here!! you're the coolest being yourself. all the materialistic things don't make up a person, even if it seems like it. thank you <3
"So I strip away the layers of borrowed identities. Who am I when no one is looking?" really hit me! in the end, growing up feels like returning to who we were before we believed we had to be someone else <3
Wow this resonated so much with me. I was never the “cool girl” growing up. Mostly just weird and someone who never fit the mould of who was getting invited to parties. I just wanted to be me and somehow that didn’t feel good enough. Now at 30, who cares about being cool?? The pursuit of authenticity and being warm is what makes my soul feel alive and that’s more than good enough for me. Thanks for a great read :)
This hit deep. The way you captured the quiet, exhausting chase for 'cool' and the relief of just bing yourself, it feels like sitting with a friend who gets it. Authenticity over aesthetics, always
So well said. Reminded me of a passage I read saying “be you, so that the people who will love you for who you are don’t miss you because you’re pretending to be someone else.”
To me, being ‘cool’ in this era...feels like a photocopy of someone else. Writing, fashion, and photography are all understandable creative pursuits (love), but they’ve been distorted by the pressure to fit into a curated aesthetic that's become so predictable and boring. It no longer feels effortless it feels manufactured. This here though, was a very nice read. I'd objectively say you're above the cool we're used to seeing out there already.
This literally deserved an Oscar...I love it I highly relate and guess what...I'm gonna be fucking annoying a little...and awkward...I'm tired of acting cool ...I'm not ❤️
Such an amazing and relatable read, thank you for this beautiful post, truly <3
it's the most relatable thing i've ever read. i can't be what i want to be no matter how hard i try. always seeing cooler people and having a need to be like them is haunting me. i know i can't be like them i don't have enough money or passion. i can't have the lifestyle they have. just to have a piece of coolness i have to try harder. i don't wanna be cool i just wanna be myself. i don't want people to judge me for what i wear, which phone i use or how hard i laugh. i just want them to like me for who i am. this really motivated me. ily pls don't die!
thank you for being here!! you're the coolest being yourself. all the materialistic things don't make up a person, even if it seems like it. thank you <3
"So I strip away the layers of borrowed identities. Who am I when no one is looking?" really hit me! in the end, growing up feels like returning to who we were before we believed we had to be someone else <3
thank you so much <333
Wow this resonated so much with me. I was never the “cool girl” growing up. Mostly just weird and someone who never fit the mould of who was getting invited to parties. I just wanted to be me and somehow that didn’t feel good enough. Now at 30, who cares about being cool?? The pursuit of authenticity and being warm is what makes my soul feel alive and that’s more than good enough for me. Thanks for a great read :)
thank YOU for reading :)
I totally relate to this damn thank you for putting this into words
thanks so much for reading :')
Paddington !
I love Paddington.
This was so healing
this makes me happy. I’m so glad it resonated with you <3
holy shit! thanks so much for this, needed this tonight! 🩷
You had me at the title 🫶🏼
that's so sweet thank you <3
You’re so real for this, I love u sm
thank you so much for reading <3 much love!
This hit deep. The way you captured the quiet, exhausting chase for 'cool' and the relief of just bing yourself, it feels like sitting with a friend who gets it. Authenticity over aesthetics, always
thanks for reading! so glad you could relate
this hit me like a ton of bricks. so beautiful. thank you for it.
thank you for reading ❤️
So well said. Reminded me of a passage I read saying “be you, so that the people who will love you for who you are don’t miss you because you’re pretending to be someone else.”
To me, being ‘cool’ in this era...feels like a photocopy of someone else. Writing, fashion, and photography are all understandable creative pursuits (love), but they’ve been distorted by the pressure to fit into a curated aesthetic that's become so predictable and boring. It no longer feels effortless it feels manufactured. This here though, was a very nice read. I'd objectively say you're above the cool we're used to seeing out there already.
wow thank you so much for writing this, Jo!
being authentically yourself is the coolest one could ever be
This literally deserved an Oscar...I love it I highly relate and guess what...I'm gonna be fucking annoying a little...and awkward...I'm tired of acting cool ...I'm not ❤️
you're cool being yourself :) thanks for reading!